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e-Learning Day Resources

Monroe-Gregg School District utilizes e-learning instructional days for faculty professional development and weather closures. 

There are two (2) types of e-Learning instruction:

  1. Virtual Synchronous Instruction- Instruction that is provided in real-time, but the teacher and students are in different physical spaces.
    • Example: A google meet where students are logged into their devices while the teacher provides live instruction virtually
  2. Virtual Asynchronous Instruction- Instruction that is provided at different times, and the teacher and students are in different physical spaces.
    • Example: A pre-recorded instructional lesson for students to review virtually.

No more than three asynchronous instruction days can contribute to the 180 day school year.  

Details explaining each e-Learning day including will be sent out to parents/guardians.


Monroe- Gregg School District utilizes Google's Classroom platform to streamline the process of sharing lessons and assignments between teachers and students. 

e-Learning Support
317-996-2258, ext. 1100