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I believe that every student has the ability to be tuneful, beautiful, and artful.  Using Indiana State Standards, I teach music skills that will allow each student to participate in and appreciate music in all stages of their life.

Mrs. McCrary


  • Kindergarten- Students will learn various music terms such as beat, tempo, dynamics
    and pitch. We will explore movement through beginner folk dances and circle dances. We
    will also be introduced to instruments like tambourine, egg shakers and hand drums. Once a
    month, we will have a music history lesson where we learn about a composer.
  • 1st Grade- Students will continue movement exploration through folk dances and song
    games. Pitch exploration continues using vocal and instrumental examples. Once a month, we
    will have a music history lesson where we learn about a composer.
  • 2nd Grade- We will continue to build on the objectives from first grade. We will explore
    additional instruments such as boomwackers, rhythm sticks, and xylophones. We will also begin to talk about music notes and symbols. Once a month, we will have a music history lesson where we learn about a composer.
  • 3rd Grade- Students will focus on recorders. This includes learning the different types of
    music notes and the note names or pitches. Our recorders also allow us to learn about breath
    support and playing technique. Once a month, we will have a music history lesson where we
    learn about a composer.
  • 4th Grade- Students will continue to build on their recorder skills with more difficult notes and songs. Students will also have one school performance before winter break. Once a month, we will have a music history lesson where we learn about a composer.
  • 5th Grade- Students will continue to build on their recorder skills by adding
    more notes and songs to their repertoire. They will get an opportunity to explore music
    technology during our music technology project. Once a month, we will have a music history
    lesson where we learn about a composer.


Attention all 5th graders! It is time to start thinking about auditioning for the elementary musical. This year we will be performing Moana!  We are looking forward to seeing you on October 3rd and October 9th for auditions.  Please see Miss McCrary to pick up an audition packet! Talents of all kinds are needed to fill our cast and stage crew. 

Songs are attached below to start practicing for your audition. 







Music / Home

Mrs. McCrary
Music Teacher
317-996-2246 ext. 4306

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